Every tea needs a good cup! From the very time the tea leaf is plucked from its shrub, its quality and taste alter every time the blend comes in contact with a slightest thing. The last stage in its journey from the plant to the drinker is the mug or tea cup. So, the time has come when you should show a little concern about what is there in your hand and how it can affect your drinking experience.
You will find that most tea drinkers have a favorite mug or cup for tea. It is all about personal preference. How to choose a perfect cup for your favorite beverage? Here are a few guidelines to help you.
- Shape & Size
- Quality
- It should be non-porous because porous materials hold different aromas and flavors and they can destroy the taste of your tea.
- It should cool the tea slowly. Cups with wide rims cool blends faster while narrow ones keep it hot and preserves the aroma for a long time. Ceramic cups are the best as they can retain heat longer and therefore, are better than glass ones.
- It should have thin lip so that your brew rolls easily from the cup to the tongue.
- It should be chemically safe and for that use of plastic cup is strictly a NO.
- Material
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